we are so guilt ridden about it all that we want to be “cured”. In that case all the shrink is doing is giving us a little moral support and an authority injection to help us accomplish it.
And while we are on the subject, did you ever quietly reflect on the fact that all of this girl stuff is ALREADY IN YOU! I don't mean the urge to do it, I mean the feelings, actions, interests, abilities, etc. You didn't suddenly invent them out of nowhere when you put that dress on. They were there all the time. What does that prove? Margaret Mead said it pretty well a long time ago when she point- ed out that, "when you train a boy you train a girl, too" and went on to explain that you train the girl in a negative way in that "she" is all the thing you are telling the boy not to do or be. Of course the reverse is true for females trained to be girls. The significance lies in the fact that the potential for being all the things that a human can be lies within all of us, male and female, all the time. It's just that life and its requirements today require us to develop some and repress others in order to live up to the social stereotypes of a “Man” and a "Woman." Actually all of us are both and FPs are just those people who have begun in a small way and against great social pressure to find this out, to seek methods and occasions to express it and to find great satisfaction in utilizing more of their whole, total, human self than the current stereotypes call for.
We may very well consider that instead of being the sick, the perverted, the disturbed, the lunatic fringe of an animalistic, sex- dominated sub-human society, that we are actually ahead of our time in a sense. We are a few steps closer to the real human human who hopefully will someday walk this earth the person (be he/she male or female makes no difference) who will have access to all their human potentials, to be used and enjoyed under appropriate circumstances; who, while acknowledging the possession of one or the other type of reproductive equipment, accepts that fact with detachment and doesn't build his/her whole self-structure around it. So let all FPs perk up and be thankful that whatever the cause in your past and whatever the cost in your present, in your own inner heart you can know that you are a few cuts ahead of the herd. If you use it right and use it wisely that extra bit of your total humanity that you have available to you can give you a better perspective and sometimes a competitive edge over those who are still in the sex- anatomy-identity stage of their development. So hold your heads up girls, and be proud. "FP is beautiful" too.